
Principle and Practice of Computer Algorithms (Summer 2013)

来自ACM Class Wiki


  • July 31 -- Updated tentative deadline for Scheme Interpreter.
  • July 22 -- Updated topics in Scheme Interpreter.
  • July 17 -- Uploaded slides for functional programming lectures
  • July 14 -- Updated topics in Computational Number Theory
  • July 14 -- Updated schedules
  • July 13 -- Hello world!




下午:第一周:14:00-16:00 后三周:14:00-17:30

晚上:第一周:18:00-21:30 后三周:18:30-21:30



计算中心: 第一周:16:00-21:30 第二周:8:00-21:30






陈志鹏 188壹柒伍伍1793 czpcxfzwq^()^126.com 365肆贰叁033
杨宽 188壹柒伍伍6178 peanutyk^O^126.com 123壹柒肆418
潘哲逸 136壹壹捌壹9924 panzheyi2006^0^163.com 574伍肆壹186
朱旻申 158零壹柒叁7963 zhuminshen1993^o^163.com 1102零玖陸310


陈许同 182壹柒零柒1623 454481762^_^qq.com 454肆捌壹762
谢其哲 188壹柒柒贰0986 cheezer94^.^gmail.com 120柒捌零723
林洋 136壹陸零贰0402 flash_mx9377^,^163.com 402捌壹柒574


贾枭 152壹陸柒壹2262 xjia=.=cs.sjtu.edu.cn
刘景铖 188零壹玖陸7505 liuexp^v^gmail.com


每周上五天课,周一至周五必须在机房。 第一周周一上午和周三下午不上课。


第一周 第二周 第三周
周一 动态规划基础(朱旻申) 计算几何(潘哲逸)
周二 函数式编程(贾枭) 习题课 习题课
周三 函数式编程(贾枭) 图论基础(陈志鹏) 二分图(杨宽)
周四 函数式编程(贾枭) 习题课 习题课
周五 函数式编程(贾枭) 图论基础(陈志鹏) 动态规划(潘哲逸)



项目 分值比例
函数式编程考试 10%
机考 40%
自选主题演讲 10%
自选作业 40%


由贾枭讲授、出试卷,在第二周周一下午以笔试形式考核。 所有同学必须参加。





共四次。 每次考试题数为3-4题,考试时间为3小时,第一周时间为周五下午13:00-16:00,后三周时间为周五下午14:10-17:10,占10%分值,考试结束后由助理或出题人讲题,讲题时间可以安排在考试后或习题课。 所有同学必须参加。


每位同学选择一个计算机科学方向的主题演讲,每人15分钟,不得超过18分钟,安排在最后第三周周一、三下午和第四周周一、二下午。 演讲者需在第二周结束前将选题发到助教邮箱(陈志鹏),经助教审核并安排时间,未通过助教审核需要重新选题,若有重复选题则后选者须重新选题,演讲顺序将按照通过助教审核的次序。每位同学的演讲将由助教评分。所有同学必须参加。




编号 时间 演讲者 标题
1 8/5 14:10 彭燕庆 高效动态内存管理——Memory Pool
2 8/5 14:30 许文 Stack Overflow
3 8/5 14:50 史家琛 数字签名——MD5
4 8/5 15:20 田博雨 字符串匹配
5 8/5 15:40 林小阳 统计语言模型和中文分词
6 8/5 16:00 廖彤亮 最小割模型
7 8/5 16:30 莫凯淳 Introduction to Lambda Calculus
8 8/5 16:50 俞文康 细胞自动机和生命游戏
9 8/5 17:10 赵卓越 快速傅立叶变换
10 8/7 14:10 杨光 三维物体的表示与建模
11 8/7 14:30 林洋 布隆过滤器
12 8/7 14:50 金汶功 The Wumpus World
13 8/7 15:20 尹茂帆 游戏物理引擎的思想
14 8/7 15:40 黄锃 Color space: from RGB to Lab*
15 8/7 16:00 江川 聚类分析
16 8/7 16:30 吉梓玮 摊还分析的一些例子
17 8/7 16:50 吴浩博 禁忌搜索
18 8/7 17:10 谭昊 “有限”的自动机
19 8/12 14:10 陈皓 求两点间第k短路径
20 8/12 14:30 谢其哲 上帝掷骰子吗
21 8/12 14:50 魏祯 graphical enumeration
22 8/12 15:20 刘一鸣 link-cut-tree
23 8/12 15:40 冯思稷 Attacks on the RSA Crypto system
24 8/12 16:00 王奕仑 the feasibility of machine learning
25 8/12 16:30 陈许同 动态规划中一些概念的进阶理解
26 8/12 16:50 李正博 光子计算机
27 8/12 17:10 冯实 机器证明
28 8/12 17:30 陈愉 拉斯维加斯&蒙特卡罗



A. 编程实践



图论题目:USACO:concom, cowtour, comehome, agrinet, fence, shopping, heritage, fence6, ditch, race3, milk6





B. 可持久化数据结构研究




solution: 文件:Shijiachen.rar, 文件:PengYanqing.rar

C. Scheme Interpreter

Implementation of an interactive Scheme interpreter in any programming language.

Director: Jingcheng Liu (刘景铖)

Number of students: up to 5.

Checkpoint Date for Basic Interpreter: Aug 8, UTC+8

Hard Deadline for Basic Interpreter: Aug 16, 23:59:59, UTC+8

Hard Deadline for Bonus Section: Aug 19, 23:59:59, UTC+8

Please send a brief review on your current progress in any human-readable format to me (Jingcheng Liu) on Checkpoint Date to inform me of your current status. Failing to submit by hard deadline is likely to receive penalty based on the extent of delay.

References for Baseline:

Please beware the third reference above is obsolete, you are encouraged to renew it, and will be rewarded with bonus points if you make it.

For the JScheme, Peter Norvig wrote his own parser, in an age where not so many mature parser library is available.

Land of Lisp is full of fun, you may encounter another one talking about the island of Paxos in later courses of distributed computing.

References for Optimizations & Advanced Topics:

For the Spark, if you are interested in automatic parallelism, you may wanna check it out as its RDD abstraction could achieve parallelizing any collection-like (purely) functional data structure.

References for Useful Tools & Programming Styles:

Submission Baseline:

  • A working interpreter (not just the parser) you implemented on your own, in any language you like, together with source code and a README explaining how to bootstrap, or even better, a shell script to bootstrap in Linux environment.
  • We also expect a CLI/GUI or Web interactive interface provided to your interpreter.


You are encouraged, but not required to implement to any extent, any one of the following task, so just feel free to try and impress both yourself and TAs.

If you decided to pick one, please contact me (Jingcheng Liu) so that I may provide further instructions and references. Here is a tentative and in-complete list for you interest.

  • Tail call optimization.
  • Continuation Passing Style (implementation of a Cont-like Monad and callCC)
  • Automatic Parallelism (or Parallelism for free), you may find a few presentations delivered by Simon Peyton Jones very helpful.
  • Improved documents, novel ideas, and other forms of contribution to the community are always welcome.
  • You may suggest more!

Miscellaneous Questions:

You may find figuring out these questions helpful in writing a Scheme interpreter, both in baseline and bonus parts. Please note that you are not required to post answers to TAs, these are questions that help direct and focus your attention, although you may want to discuss with your classmates and TAs in Google Groups and in Xiao Jia's class.

  • What is the difference between an interpreter and a compiler? Why do we need compilers in the presence of interpreters?
  • How could programs written in Scala/Clojure run in a Java Virtual Machine?
  • When do we need Garbage Collections? If you implement the interpreter in a language without built-in GC support, what will happen?
  • Say you are writing a data-oriented program in an interpreted environment (imagine you are writing a complex query in some database), how should your interpreter optimize the program (the query) so as to achieve performance comparable to native compiled programs? You may consider the simplest example of evaluating the expression of column1 + column2 + ... + column1000 over 1 million rows of records.
  • How to implement expression evaluations in a functional style? i.e. every expression is a function, say for expression <math>p</math>, <math>1-p</math> should be just the functional composition: (1-). p
  • In the above question, what if someone want to change the type of an expression, from a function to a List, does your implementation tolerate such simple change of type? (HINT: in Haskell you may think about Applicative Functor)

D. Computational Number Theory

This course will cover these things.

  • Basic elementary number theory.
  • Primer of algebraic number theory.
  • Primer of analytic number theory.
  • Proof of prime number theorem.
  • Primality test.
  • Prime generating.
  • Integer factorization.
  • Discrete logarithm.
  • Introduction to Riemann Hypothesis.
  • Introduction to cryptography.
  • Other interesting topic related to number theory, such as twin prime conjecture and Yitang Zhang's work.

Goal: Factorize an integer about 200bits using whatever you want.

Director: Kuan Yang

Number of students: up to 6

E. OnlineJudge的维护与开发














下午 晚上
周一 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(机考) 陈志鹏
周二 助理 朱旻申
周三 杨宽 朱旻申
周四 助理 潘哲逸
周五 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(机考) 潘哲逸


下午 晚上
周一 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(笔试) 潘哲逸
周二 助理 朱旻申
周三 陈志鹏 杨宽
周四 助理 陈志鹏
周五 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(机考) 杨宽


下午 晚上
周一 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(自主选题演讲) 陈志鹏
周二 助理 朱旻申
周三 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(自主选题演讲) 潘哲逸
周四 助理 潘哲逸
周五 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(机考) 杨宽


上午 下午 晚上
周一 陈志鹏 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(自主选题演讲) 杨宽
周二 杨宽 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(自主选题演讲) 朱旻申
周三 陈志鹏 陈志鹏 朱旻申
周四 杨宽 朱旻申 潘哲逸
周五 潘哲逸 陈志鹏、杨宽、潘哲逸、朱旻申(机考) 陈志鹏

Useful Links

Read this if you cannot access Google Groups

Try GoAgent: http://code.google.com/p/goagent/