PPCA 2019
- 7月1日 -- 8月9日
- 周一至周五
- 上午:8:30 -- 11:30
- 下午:14:30 -- 17:30
- 机考日(第二周开始,每周周四)下午:13:00 -- 18:00 可提前离场
- 软件学院机房5-104
- 30% RISCV模拟器
- 30% 机考
- 40% 分组大作业
Name | |
赵寒烨 | fineartz@sjtu.edu.cn |
汪伟杰 | wangnick@sjtu.edu.cn |
任云玮 | 2016renyunwei@sjtu.edu.cn |
杨孟天 | lepetitprince517@sjtu.edu.cn |
龚勋 | gongxun@sjtu.edu.cn |
张文涛 | zwt1999@sjtu.edu.cn |
- 机考时间:
- 每周四
- 下午:13:00 -- 18:00
- 可提前离场
- 机考形式:
- AB卷
- A卷为传统算法题,包含三道题,赛制同程序设计/数据结构课
- B卷为非传统综合应用题,包含一道题
- 最终评分只与每个人在两组试卷的答题者中的排名有关
- 试题包含试题描述、至少一组输入数据
- 提交输入数据对应的答案文件以及用于产生答案的程序(如果有)(这很重要!这个程序将被验证,以确保你的答案的确是你独立做出来的)
- 对于B卷,分数将根据答案的优劣评判(这意味着,任何格式正确的答案大都是有点分数的)
- 如果某道题提交的答案得分达到了一条预先设定的Ground Truth的线(如果真的有的话),则此次机考这位参赛者可以不参加排名,成绩按满分计
- 机考允许并鼓励:
- 思考创新
- 寻找规律
- 机考严禁:
- 交流
- 查询资料
- 查看其它同学代码
- 把自己代码给同学看
- 帮助同学计算答案
- 其它一切不诚实行为
- 主动向助教报名
- 主题在助教给定的若干个主题中选(其他主题也可以向助教申请):
- Some C++ features and design models: RAII, smart pointer, rvalue reference
- CMake / makefile
- Shell scripting tutorial
- Concurrency: mutex, lock, conditional variable, etc.
- Common types of ISA
- …
- PPCA 是一个非常好的交流想法的时机,希望有想法的同学积极报名演讲
- 这一部分的分会作为下面的RISCV大作业评分的参考(作为Bonus)
- 内容:完成一个 RISCV 模拟器
- 评分:
- (60%)正确性测试:实现一个可以正确实现模拟RISCV指令集功能的模拟器,可以通过正确性测试的所有数据。
- (40%)五级流水实现:简单实现了RISCV 5级流水线设计,遇到hazard的时候有行之有效的处理(比如直接暂停流水)。
code review的时候需要:
- 讲清楚你的五级流水实现方式
- 向助教展示必要的中间内容
- Bonus:
- 动态分支预测
- 自选主题演讲
- 执行流程:
- 从标准输入读入机器指令
- 从内存00000000处开始取指令执行,每次连续取4个2位十六进制数,组成一条指令(如取到“37 17 00 00”,拼成32位指令“00001737”)
- load/store指令内存访问部分(第四级)请用三个周期模拟
- 执行到指令00c68223( sb a2,4(a3) )时,向标准输出 输出程序的返回值(一个0-255的非负整数),结束模拟。注意:
- 程序的返回值存在a0寄存器里,但是寄存器是32位的,返回值是8位的,所以你应该输出a0的后八位。例如,你的a0寄存器是int数组reg中的reg[10],你应该输出的是((unsigned int)reg[10]) & 255u。
- 评测
- Online Judge Contest - RISCV
- 提交时填写公开的github地址,请确保你的仓库里有能正确生成可执行文件code的makefile
- 评测时运行code文件,提供标准输入,比对标准输出
- 建议流程:
- 熟悉RISCV指令集,弄懂机器指令的执行流程(参考: 自己编译测试数据的方法)
- 写一个不带流水的简易模拟器
- 加上五级流水
- 写写bonus,欢迎实现各种个性化的功能
- 参考书籍:
- J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 5th Edition
- J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Organization and Design:The Hardware/Software Interface, 5th Edition
负责人 - 杨孟天
newest version will be seen in github
Person in Charge - 龚勋,张文涛
- A DHT can be viewed as a dictionary service distributed over a network: it provides access to a common shared key->value data-store, distributed over participating nodes with great performance and scalability.
- From a user perspective, a DHT essentially provides a map interface, with two main operations:
put(key, value)
. Get will retrieve values stored at a certain key while put (often called announce) will store a value on the network. Note that many values can be stored under the same key. - There are many algorithms to implement dht, where Kademlia DHT algorithm requires to contact only O(log(N)) nodes for a get operation, N being the number of nodes in the network. This property makes DHTs very scalable as demonstrated. Other algos are shown in reference.
More info in Wiki:DHT
Totally info will be shown in Github Wiki
- Use go-lang to implement a DHT with basic functions
- Use this DHT to implement an easy application
- Learn about Golang and at least one DHT protocol
> Project 1(Not constrained): get close to golang: implement a client-server protocol using golang. With naive tests.
> forward message and mutli-threads(2 with client and server)
- Implement a DHT protocol in Go
> Project 2: implement DHT: using any one model is allowed. With naive and strong tests.
- Build a higher level application on top of your DHT
> Project 3*: implement an application. No test. E.g. chatroom, torrent, dht-filesystem.
- Bonus
> Project 4*: implement DHT with another algorithm (as mentioned above in overview), or optimize your application.
- Learn Go
> A Tour of Go
> Go package docs
> Books about Go
- DHT models
- Related project framework
- nodes in DHT network >= 50
<key, value>
in DHT network >= 1500- Give some time for your network to resume stable.
- Implement this interface in
type dhtNode interface { Get(k string) (string, bool) Put(k string, v string) bool Del(k string) bool Run(wg *sync.WaitGroup) Create() Join(addr string) bool Quit() Ping(addr string) bool }
- Overwrite in
func NewNode(port int) *dhtNode{ // replace with your own code }
- standard test
> get, put, del, join, quit, ping
- standard test of additive functions
> append info in <k, v>
> del_append info in <k,v>
- additive test
> get, put, del, join, quit, ping
> force quit
> load(max nodes and max data)
> unstable put and get
> mixed put, get, join, quit