
Compiler 2015

来自ACM Class Wiki


  • (Mar 27) Hello, world!


Compiler 2015: Introduction by example

Compiler 2015: An appetizer (important)

Compiler 2015: Tokens

Compiler 2015: Grammar (typedef example)

Compiler 2015: Types

Compiler 2015: Standard libraries

Compiler 2015: Semantic specification

Compiler 2015: Phase 2: Testing environment specification - midterm

Compiler 2015: Phase 5: Testing environment specification - final

Compiler 2015: AST framework

Compiler 2015: IR framework

Students who are going to use a language other than Java MUST apply explicitly. Whatever language you use, only the following tools are allowed: lex, yacc, Quex, flex, Bison, re2c, lemon, JFlex, CUP, ANTLR, Ragel, Gson.


* 周日晚6点到9点,教室为致远601
Date Lecture Project Deadline
2015/04/05 2015/04/01 18:00-20:00 Introduction, Overview & Syntactic Analysis Syntactic Analysis 2015/04/18 23:59
2015/04/12 18:00-21:00 Phase1 Presentation, Phase1 Code Review Syntactic Analysis -
2015/04/19 18:00-21:00 Semantic Check Semantic Analysis 2015/05/02 23:59
2015/04/26 18:00-21:00 Phase2 Presentation, Phase2 Code Review Semantic Analysis -
2015/05/03 18:00-21:00 Intermediate Representation Translating to Intermediate Code 2015/05/16 23:59
2015/05/10 18:00-18:35 Phase3 Code Review Translating to Intermediate Code -
2015/05/10 18:35-19:35 Code Generation & Register Allocation Generating MIPS Code 2015/05/23 23:59
2015/05/10 19:35-21:00 Phase3 Presentation Translating to Intermediate Code -
2015/05/17 18:00-21:00 Optimization, Peephole Optimization and Constant Propagation Optimization 2015/05/31 23:59
2015/05/24 18:00-21:00 Phase4 Code Review Generating MIPS Code -
2015/05/31 18:00-21:00 Phase5 Code Review, Report Deadline, Final Testing Deadline Optimization -


  • correctness, code review, report (80 points)
  • bonus (20 points)


If you submit your code n days after deadline, you will get a max(5,n)*10% penalty. For example, if a submission is made within 1 days after deadline, it will be scored at most 90%.


Item Points Test Type Deadline Resources
handwritten lexer and parser 1 ~ 3 presentation phase 1 1 2
pretty printer 1 ~ 2 presentation phase 2 1 2
interpreter 2 ~ 3 presentation phase 2
typedef & undimensioned array 1 ~ 2 presentation phase 2
high-order function 1 ~ 3 presentation phase 3
single static form(SSA) 1 ~ 3 presentation phase 3
function pointer 1 ~ 3 presentation phase 3
x86 code generation 1 ~ 2 data phase 4
JVM code generation 1 ~ 2 data phase 4
framework refinement 1 ~ 2 TA phase 4
providing test data 0.1 per case TA phase 4
using C programming language 3 data phase 5
bootstrap 2 data phase 5
optimization 0 ~ 10 data phase 5


Name Phase Bonus Date
翁健 1 handwritten lexer & parser 2015/04/12 19:10 - 19:20
魏楚 1 handwritten lexer & parser 2015/04/12 19:20 - 19:30
白志豪 1 handwritten lexer & parser 2015/04/12 19:30 - 19:40
周耀达 1 handwritten lexer & parser 2015/04/12 19:40 - 19:50
高宇 1 handwritten lexer & parser 2015/04/12 19:50 - 20:00
pretty printer 每人3分钟
typedef & undimensioned array 每人5分钟
interpreter 每人5分钟
邵俊儒 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
邵俊儒 2 typedef & undimensioned array -
马豪君 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
李佳骏 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
翁健 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
翁健 2 typedef & undimensioned array -
魏楚 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
高剑飞 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
徐亦飞 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
高宇 2 interpreter 2015/04/26
吉妍 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
陈昕昀 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
陈昕昀 2 typedef & undimensioned array -
陈迪 2 interpreter 2015/04/26
陈迪 2 pretty printer -
柏钧文 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
娄毅文 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
郑宜霖 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
施韩原 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
陈子豪 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
姚思秋 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
姚京韬 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
倪昊斌 2 pretty printer 2015/04/26
倪昊斌 2 typedef & undimensioned array -
倪昊斌 2 interpreter -
每人每个bonus 5分钟
邵俊儒 3 Higher-Order Function 2015/05/10
邵俊儒 3 Function Pointer -
邵俊儒 3 SSA -
高宇 3 SSA 2015/05/10
陈迪 3 SSA 2015/05/10
周耀达 3 SSA 2015/05/10
倪昊斌 3 Higher-Order Function 2015/05/10
倪昊斌 3 Function Pointer -
倪昊斌 3 SSA -

Version Control

  • You are required to use BitBucket.
  • Cheat is forbidden.


  1. Create a Bitbucket account and a private git repository compiler2015
  2. Add username acmcompiler to your repository with read permission

Refer to Bitbucket 101 on how to install git and how to create accounts and repos, etc.

Warning: You must create a private repository so others cannot access your code. If you share code with others, you will get a score of zero for this course. It is recommended to create the .gitignore file with the following content.


About git tags


Please inform us if you find a file unaccessible.

Google Group



Useful links about the MIPS Assembly Language

Other Useful links


Name Email
孙锴 sunkaicn [at] gmail.com
蒋舜宁 jiangshunning [at] gmail.com
廖超 zeonsgtr [at] gmail.com
刘爽 liushuang931006 [at] gmail.com
许文 hotdog3645 [at] gmail.com