
I am a junior undergraduate of ACM Class at Zhiyuan College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Currently, I am working at SJTU Multimedia Lab, advised by Prof.Xiaohong Liu. My research interests include Computer Vision, Graphics, Generative Models and Multimedia.


My current focus revolves around exploring the possibility of diffusion models in the context of video editing. Specifically, we are using diffusion models with Transformer, incorporating audio and text prompts from LLMs, to enhance video quality. At the same time, I’m keenly interested in 3D reconstruction and generation, actively exploring this field.


Feel free to contact me at jerx2y@sjtu.edu.cn. ED4E C7C9 5DCC 482C

You can also explore my projects on GitHub: https://github.com/jerx2y.

*Little Easter Egg: Recently rediscovered my OI blog when at the First High School of Changsha: https://www.cnblogs.com/jerx2y